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Getting to know the Settings Tab

Learn more about what you can configure in your account.

Pam avatar
Written by Pam
Updated over a week ago

Don't underestimate this tab - this section of your Dashboard contains the key details of your account!

This section of your Dashboard contains your User Account, Business Information, and your Bank Information.

As soon as you create your account, you may notice that the 'edit' button cannot be located anywhere, this is because your account is currently under review for your activation.

Other than that, you can easily change your name, email address, and contact number by clicking the edit button and saving the changes you've made.

Business Information

Your business name and handle are essential since this is shown to your customers when they are going to settle their payments!

It's possible to change your business name, but you will need to make a request and send an email to [email protected]. To make it easy for them to make a decision, please attach documents (if necessary) and detail your reasons why.

Bank Information

Same with your User account details, you need to be activated first before you can change your bank account!

You have to notify our Onboarding team too regarding the change to avoid any delays in your payouts. Reach them by sending an email to [email protected]

That's about it! You are now ready to use and manage your payments effectively.

We do hope this clears things up - don't hesitate to message us if you have any questions. 😊

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