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Getting to know your Pages Dashboard

Learn more about your pages dashboard

Pam avatar
Written by Pam
Updated over 2 years ago

Navigating through the Pages Dashboard

I see that you want to learn more about our always-on check-out page to help with streamlining your process - available for all our activated merchants. Let's walk you through the Pages Dashboard so you can create your own!

🤫 Quick Tip:

You can only create your page in live mode (for now). We are still working on giving you the ability to create a test page in the test environment. 🚧

Navigating through the Pages Dashboard

A. Interface

By clicking on the 'Page Module', you'll be led to a list of already created pages under your account. (It should be blank if you haven't made one yet).

The list comprises 4 columns that could help you out in locating a specific page that you are looking for: Page Title, Amount, Page URL, and Date Created.

  • Page Title: Title of the page.

  • Amount: If the page can collect fixed/variable amounts; Fixed will show the amount configured.

  • Page URL: The unique URL address of the page.

  • Date Created: Date when the page was created.

Once you are ready, click on the 'Create' button and I'll guide you along the way!

B. Creating your Page

Have a hard time visualizing the page that you're making? Luckily, there's a page preview located on the right-hand side. All your edits and inputs will automatically reflect there.

  1. Starting off with the Page Title, this is the first thing that your customers see once they access your link. To help you out, some of our merchants use their Business Name or the product that they are selling.

  2. Next up, Page Slug. To put it simply, the page slug is a part of your URL. Few things to keep in mind:

    1. Use lowercase letters a-z, numbers 0-9, and dashes (-)

    2. No spaces and special characters are allowed.

    3. It's not possible for 2 different pages to have the same slug! Once you submit the form, you'll be notified if the submitted slug should be changed to a different one.

  3. Give your page some style and pizzazz by uploading your page logo!

    1. Aesthetically, it will be preferable if you'll upload photos in a square format (1:1 ratio)

    2. Upload a .jpg or .png file

    3. File size should be lower than 4MB

  4. Page Description allows your customers to know the main context of your page, and type up anything until your heart is content.

    1. Limit of 2000 characters. We made sure you can add as many details as you'd like. You can even add hyperlinks! 🤫

  5. Custom amount, fixed amount, or product catalog? That's the real question. The Page Type would vary depending on your page's use case!

    1. If you are planning to give your customers the freedom to send in any desired amount, go for the custom amount option.

    2. If there is a fixed price for your products, select fixed.

    3. If you want to showcase several products on one page, select the product catalog.

  6. Last but not the least, Additional Fields. Want to collect more information from your customers?

    1. Remember that by default, we collect the customer’s name and e-mail address for all payments.

  7. Click on 'Create Page' and tada, you're page is now up and running. The good news here is, there are no limits to the number of pages you can create! 🥳

C. Modifying your Page

Let's proceed with page modification. Currently, you can only edit the following directly from your dashboard:

  • Page Slug

  • Page Type

  • Page Logo

  • Description

  • Custom Fields: delete or reorder your created field

  • Payment Methods: turn off/on specific payment methods available on the page

You also have the option to delete your page permanently by clicking on the "Delete Page" seen in the bottom right.

D. Creating your In-store QR code

Now, who wouldn't want a QR code that they can share with their customers so they can easily collect payments?

Click on "Request a QR" located in your dashboard so we can start processing your QR code.

Wasn't that easy? We've compiled a list of FAQs that you can refer to, head on over to this link to learn more about pages.

Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have other questions! 😊

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