Creating an In-store QR Ph code
You can generate your own static* QR Ph code for your business directly on your PayMongo Dashboard!
* Related article: Static vs Dynamic QR code
Go to the In-Store QR Ph module and click Create QR Ph Code.
2. Provide a mobile number to receive an SMS notification for every successful transaction. If you don't have a dedicated number or mobile device for your store, we also recommend assigning the mobile number of someone from your accounting or operations team.
It is important to note that if you opt out of receiving an SMS notification, the only way to confirm transactions is via the PayMongo Dashboard.
3. You may also choose to add an internal note to your QR code. Keep in mind that this will only be visible to you β it will NOT be displayed on the standee image. When viewing a payment on the PayMongo dashboard, the internal note can be seen in the payment description.
Ordering a QR Standee and/or Soundbox will be available soon. For now, you can present the QR Ph code digitally or refer to our guide for standee printing.
4. After you click Submit, you'll see the QR Code Details page where you can download the QR Ph standee image.
Managing your In-store QR Ph codes
On your sidebar, click the In-Store QR Ph module. This is where you'll be able to view, create, and manage all your In-store QR Ph codes.
Viewing details about your QR Ph code
First, simply click the specific QR Ph code in your listing.
You'll be redirected to its QR Code Details page.
Here you should be able to:
See a thumbnail image of your QR standee
Download a digital copy of your QR standee
View the following details for the specific QR code:
QR ID | A x-digit identifier unique to each QR code. This is the reference also shown in your SMS notification. |
QR code ID | A longer identifier unique to each QR code |
Status | By default, your QR codes are enabled. This means your customers can scan the code to pay using their payment app. Currently there is no option to disable, expire or delete an In-store QR Ph code. |
Internal note | An optional text that you can attach to a QR code, visible only to you. This internal note will appear in the payment description on the PayMongo dashboard making it easier for you to distinguish which QR Ph code the payment was received from. |
Date created | The date/time the QR Ph code was generated. |
SMS notification | This will show the mobile number you provided (if any) for the successful payment notifications. If you opted not to receive notifications, this will remain blank. |
Downloading your QR Ph code
There are 2 ways to download a digital copy of your QR standee:
Option A. In the In-store QR Ph module, click the menu icon on the right and select Download QR.
Option B. On the QR Code Details page, click the Download QR button on the top right.