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Learn more on how your customers can pay for your products and more

How can my customer pay me using UBP via Online Banking?Learn how your customers can pay you through UBP via OB
How can my customers pay me using BPI Online Banking?Learn how you can pay through online banking via BPI
Do you accept other Online Banking payment options?Pay via BDO, Metrobank, and Landbank Online Banking through our partnership with Brankas
How can I change my BPI OB Transaction Limit?Learn how to increase your BPI Online Banking transaction limit?
How can I enable GCredit or GGives?Learn how you can use GCredit and GGives as a mode of payment.
If I am eligible to accept GCash payments, am I also eligible to accept GCredit and GGives payments?Learn more on GCredit and GGives eligibility.
How do my customers pay via GCredit or GGives?
How do I activate my account to accept Buy Now, Pay Later via BillEase?Get your account activated BillEase
How can my customers pay using BillEase (Buy Now, Pay Later)Learn how you can accept payments through BillEase
What are the installment options available on BillEase?Learn more about the different installment options that BillEase has to offer.
Can I save my customer's card for future transactions? (Card Vaulting)Learn more about the Save Card feature where you can securely store your customer's card details for future use!
Does PayMongo accept payments via QRPH?Learn more on how to accept payments via QRPH on PayMongo!
What Banks and E-wallets does QRPh support?Unlock more ways to accept payments via QRPh on PayMongo!
How can I activate QRPh on my account?Learn how to activate the QRPh payment option to your PayMongo account.
How can I activate BDO, Metrobank, and Landbank for my account?Learn how to start receiving BDO, Metrobank, Landbank payments for different PayMongo products.
How does Mastercard Click to Pay work?Learn how Mastercard Click to Pay works.
What is Mastercard Click to PayBoost Conversions and Loyalty with PayMongo Click to Pay – The First Mastercard & Visa-Powered Feature in the Philippines!